Saturday, March 17, 2007

La Cruz

La Cruz means "The Cross". Up on a mountain-top south of the city of San Jose lie 3 different crosses on top of 3 different mountain tops. It took all day one Saturday for about 10 of us to go. First we left around 9:30 am with a 30 min bus ride up to the last stop on the hillside. Then we hiked about 2.5 – 3 hours up to the last Cross. What an incredible view (as you can see from our sample pictures). The weather was amazing with a cool breeze the higher we got. The mountains we hiked were called the “Mountains of Death” because a long time ago before the Pan American Highway was placed, people had to hike over these mountains and would often fall asleep on top because of exhaustion and die of hypothermia. Today, many take pilgrimages from all over the country to the main cross (the tall metal structure). We were exhausted but it was well worth getting out to see the countryside and exercising at the same time.


Kim LaViolette said...

It looks amazing!! Gosh, the Mountains of Death...

Unknown said...

You guys look so happy. It is really beautiful there. Wish we were there too.

Jessica Rodriguez said...

Miss you!!!! The P I T Crew sounds supper cool!


make sure you guys check out my site all the time. i have plenty of pics... and yo uare welcome to use them

Heidi and Richard King said...

It looks amazing. I love seeing your pics and hearing your stories. It stretches us back here at home! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Nice hair-do Jason! Miss you both!