Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Heart Day!

On February 14th they have a tradition here called Valentines’ day, so we all (students and staff) got together and had dinner at a local Asian restaurant. What's more romantic than chinese food, besides we had a good time just goofing off… as you can tell in some of the pics. We hope everyone back home had a great day as well, spending it with the ones you love.


Becky Swann said...

Man a tradition called "Valentines' day" and on February 14th, Costa Rica sure is different from the States...it's like you are in a different world or something:)

Sunday Grant Photography said...

and jen still looks like a supermodel even in costa rica. how does she do her hair! i still can't figure it out.

{mel wilson} said...

Ditto to Sunday's comment....I just don't know how you do it. Stunning! Just like your mother. PS-Jason love the facial hair. :)