Sunday, February 4, 2007

We're Back!

We’re back! We just wanted to thank everyone for your comments left on our blog. Jen and I would like to express our deepest gratitude for support and prayers from our family and friends in these hard times. We are doing well considering the circumstances we are facing and eagerly await the exciting remainder of this journey. Both of us are also looking forward to continuing our ministry through posting on this blog… so keep checking back!

***Newest Update!!! We now have Skype. To those unfamiliar with this term, it is a type of internet phone access. So if you have something you want to talk about, just email and we can call you… we figured that we wouldn’t actually get a number because email is just effective and cheep for us to receive messages. (please leave your phone number if you would like us to call)


Jessica Rodriguez said...

Hey you two! I am so glad that you made it safely back! I was bummed that my phone broke thursday, and I couldn't say goodbye. The "30 Days of Prayer" books that I ordered came today so I am excited to read it like you are!
Love you both!!!


Becky Swann said...

I'm glad you are back safe and sound, I've been praying for you two alot!!